Past Scholars

  • Jack

    How we helped: Tuition for two years in a Diploma program in statistics at the Catholic University of Malawi

    “The Represent Foundation Scholarship has been a lifeline, allowing me to continue my university education at a critical time when I was on the verge of withdrawing due to financial difficulties. Without this support, my dreams and career prospects in statistics would have been unattainable. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity.”

  • Tawonga

    How we helped: Assisted with an application to the African Leadership Academy.

    “Going to university was the only way for me to escape the fate of early marriage… Now more girls and the youth from my community look up to me as their model.”

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  • Freza

    How we helped: Assisted with an application to McGill University.

    “Limited funding and high tuition costs still puts university out of the reach for many young people, my success story is one that gives them hope that it is possible to go to university/college after high school and that they can do it too.”

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  • Charles

    How we helped: Application fees, tuition, room, board, and school supplies for one year at Bunda College.

    “Represent have always been there for me and provided me with all kind of support I needed to fly with.”

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  • Samuel

    How we helped: Tuition, room, board, and school supplies for two years at Machinga Teacher Training College.

    “As of now I am a teacher at St Peter's Primary School acting as the role model to my community hence representing the village.”

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  • Davie

    How we helped: Tuition, room, board, and school supplies for two years at Machinga Teacher Training College.

    “I graduated from Machinga TTC as a primary school teacher with help from Represent The Village project.”

  • Leticia

    How we helped: Tuition and exam fees for one year of secondary school.

    “I was about to drop out from school since I was chased away due to lack of school fees. It’s now my great pleasure that I am back to school since I have managed to pay the fees using the money that you sent to me.”

  • Linly

    How we helped: Tuition for one semester at Machinga Teacher Training College.

    “It is my great need to learn more than this level but I get it difficult due to poverty. I wish to learn as far as being a lecturer as other female lecturers are doing here.”

  • Cidrick

    How we helped: Tuition and exam fees for two years at Domasi Development College.

    “I’m so grateful to say THANKS to Represent for being there as a bridge when I am crossing this long miles to advanced diploma in my college education.”

  • Friday

    How we helped: Application fees for university and tuition for one semester at Machinga Teacher Training College.

    “My gratitude can’t be fully expressed on paper but I would like to say thank you Represent. May the grace of the almighty God be with you always.”

  • Gladys

    How we helped: Money for living expenses during teaching fieldwork and tuition for one semester at Machinga Teacher Training College as well as a vocational program to learn tailoring.

  • Cameron

    How we helped: Tuition for two semesters of secondary school.

  • Memory

    How we helped: Provided a laptop for use in her university education.

  • Sifati

    How we helped: Provided funds to start a small business.

  • Limbani

    How we helped: Tuition for one semester of secondary school.

  • Moureen

    How we helped: Money for school supplies for one semester of primary school.